Madhuri Dixit wore a heavy fancy saree by designer Anita Dongre during a recently held wedding reception. She opted to wear jewellery from Anita Dongre Pink City. She finished off her look with center partitioned bun hairstyle. This look of…
Madhuri Dixit In Faabiiana
For the promotions of her upcoming movie Kalank, Actor Madhuri Dixit picked up a red floor length anarkali by Jaipur based clothing brand Faabiiana. Open hair and Curio Cottage Jewelry finished off her look! Madhuri looked gorgeous in this Indian…
Madhuri Dixit Nene Wears Ridhi Mehra
For attending the recently held wedding reception of Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta, Madhuri Dixit Nene picked up an attire by designer Ridhi Mehra. Miss Nene went for dark red lips and open hair. This may not be best of…
Madhuri Dixit in Marks and Spencer and HM
For the trailer launch of Total Dhamaal, actress Madhuri Dixit picked up a yellow cut sleeves top by Marks and Spencer and wore white pants by HM. Open hair and minimal jewelry finished off her look! Madhuri looked pretty and…
Madhuri Dixit Wears a Black Sari From Jade
Madhuri Dixit Nene looked super pretty in this black sari from Jade by MK. Open hair and jewelry by Amrapali finished off her look! Madhuri looked pretty! Isn’t she? She was styled by Ami and Tanya Mehta.
Madhuri Dixit in Swapnil Shinde
Madhuri Dixit opted to wear a floor length pink gown by designer Swapnil Shinde for the red carpet of Lux Golden Rose Awards 2018. Open hair and heavy round earrings finished off her look. Madhuri looked pretty!
Madhuri Dixit in an Anita Dongre Lehenga
For tapping the recent episodes of the Dance Dewaane TV Show, Madhuri Dixit picked up a lehenga choli by designer Anita Dongre. The actor finished off her look with side swept open hair along with bangles by Anita Dongre Pink…
Madhuri Dixit Sizzles in a Gaurav Gupta Sari Gown
Recently Madhuri Dixit picked up a green sari gown by designer Gaurvav Gupta for a recent event. She made her hair in a pony tail, kept the makeup to the minimal and wore jewelry by AS Motiwala and Gehna Jewelers….
Madhuri Dixit in Tarun Tahiliani
For her recent appearance at a TV Show, Madhuri Dixit picked up a lehenga choli by designer Tarun Tahiliani. Long earrings, an hair updo and a red bindi finished off her look! Madhuri looked ravishing in this Indian look! Isn’t…
Madhuri Dixit in Nikasha
Madhuri Dixit opted to wear a pink sari with red border by designer Nikasha and paired it with Amrapali jewelry for a recent appearance. Madhuri looked pretty in this sari look! She was styled by Ami.
Madhuri Dixit Wears Samant Chauhan
Madhuri Dixit was recently seen wearing a black embroidered kurti with black skirt (both by Samant Chauhan). Heavy long earrings, a pony and minimal makeup look finished off her. Madhuri looked so beautiful in this look! What do you think?
Madhuri Dixit in Rabani and Rakha
Madhuri Dixit wore a blue sari by Rabani and Rakha and jewelry by Jaipur Gems on the sets of Dance Diwane recently. Open hair, heavy earrings and a bindi finished off her look! Madhuri looked great in this blue look!…
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