For tapping the recent episodes of The Kapil Sharma Show, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja opted to wear a sari by designer Anavila. She made her hair in an updo with center partition. Overall, Sonam looked pretty and sweet!
She was styled by Rhea Kapoor.
Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle
For tapping the recent episodes of The Kapil Sharma Show, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja opted to wear a sari by designer Anavila. She made her hair in an updo with center partition. Overall, Sonam looked pretty and sweet!
She was styled by Rhea Kapoor.
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Radi says
I love this slick hairstyle! And her dress is fabulous!
Váh says
Very cool! 🙂
Paola Lauretano says
Gorgeous in that dress!
Kisses, Paola.