For the Miss India 2019 Finale, Chitrangda opted for a black net ruffled sari by designer Ridhi Mehra. Open hair and earrings by Krishma Joolry finished off her look. Chitrangda looked pretty! Like or Not? Also see: Kareena Kapoor Wears…
Chitrangada Singh
Chitrangda in Anoli Shah and Motifs by Surabhi Didwania
For the promotions of her upcoming movie Bazaar, Chitrangda Singh opted to wear an outfit by designer Anoli Shah which she paired silver oxidized chandbali earrings from Motifs by Surabhi Didwania. Open hair and red lips finished off her look!…
Chitrangda in Sachin and Babi
For a recently held event! We saw Chitragda in a gown by Sachin and Babi. Earrings by Varuna D Jani and open hair finished off her look! Chitrangda looked pretty from head to toe! What say?
Chitrangada Singh in Mahima Mahajan and Zara
For tapping a recent TV Show, Chitrangada Singh opted to wear full circle floral print skirt by Mahima Mahajan and a white shirt by Zara. A pony tail finished off her look and she picked up a heavy necklace by…
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