Recently for an event Soha Ali Khan opted to wear a peach color gown by designer Vineti Bolaki. Open hair and jewelry from House of Aynat finished off her look! Soha looked stylish and elegant. Isn’t she?
Neha Bijlaney
Soha Ali Khan Wears Devnaagri for a Wedding
Soha Ali Khan was recently snapped in a lehenga choli by Devnaagri for a recently held wedding function. Side swept open hair and long heavy earrings completed her look. Soha looked elegant and beautiful in this ethnic wear. So Guys,…
Soha Ali Khan for Hair Speaks Campaign
Soha Ali Khan wears a blue gown by Zara Umrigar for a recent ‘Hair Speaks Campaign’. She kept her hair open and straight. This is surely a very pretty style to flaunt for a hair campaign. Soha looked classy and…
Soha Ali Khan In Meher Riddhima
For her recent public appearance, Soha Ali Khan opted to wear a dress by designer Meher Riddhima. The sheath dress looked good on the actress, However we feel with the same original height(knee length), the floral print dress would have…
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