For her recent interview with Rajeev Masand, Bhumi Pednekar wore a green top and skirt by designer Ohaila Khan. Open hair and shoes from Aquazurra finished off her look. We do not have a great liking for these green separates…
Bhumi Pednekar
Bhumi Padnekar Looked Lovely in This Casual Global Desi Dress
For the screening of the movie Uri, Bhumi Padnekar picked up a casual dress by Global Desi. Open hair, a pink sling bag and a check stole finished off the look! Bhumi looked good and simple!
Bhumi Pednekar in Tanieya Khanuja
Bhumi Pednekar wore a white gown with flower prints by designer Tanieya Khanuja recently. Open hair, red lips and long sleek earrings finished off the look! Though we have no issues with the outfit but somehow this one made the…
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