Madhuri Dixit wore a heavy fancy saree by designer Anita Dongre during a recently held wedding reception. She opted to wear jewellery from Anita Dongre Pink City. She finished off her look with center partitioned bun hairstyle. This look of…
Anita Dongre PinkCity
Madhuri Dixit in an Anita Dongre Lehenga
For tapping the recent episodes of the Dance Dewaane TV Show, Madhuri Dixit picked up a lehenga choli by designer Anita Dongre. The actor finished off her look with side swept open hair along with bangles by Anita Dongre Pink…
Neha Dhupia In Anita Dongre
For a recent event Neha Dhupia picked up a pastel shade floor length anarkali by designer Anita Dongre which she paired with Anita Dongre Pink City jewelry. The actress looked pretty!
Vidya Balan In Anita Dongre
We saw Vidya Balan in a red floor length anarkali suit by Anita Dongre during recent Diwali celebrations. Here she is wearing jewelry from Pink City by Anita Dongre and was styled by Pranay. We like her in this Indian…
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